Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Free writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Free writing - Essay Example Confusing the issue regarding the origin of the eyeglass, though, are reports in China of similar inventions coming to them earlier than the Italian invention. Spectacles may have introduced into China as early as the twelfth century, coming in from Malacca â€Å"in the Western Regions.† This date was derived by comparing the original documents and reviewing the probable date regarding when they were written given what is known about the life of the author. This also places spectacles in China at least a century earlier than had been determined based on readings of the Western texts, especially the texts coming out of Italy. (Chiu, 1936) As complex as the discussion regarding the invention of the eyeglass, certain developments in its evolution have been almost as hotly debated. Acknowledging that a large portion of the credit for this invention has been attributed to Benjamin Franklin, two other men probably played a large role in the creation and development of this specializ ed vision aid, Sir Joshua Reynolds and Benjamin West. Tracing through these letters, the author indicates that Franklin’s recipient had already been familiar with the idea prior to Franklin’s letter, further indicating an earlier invention. Other materials have also surfaced revolving around Benjamin West that indicated he, as well as several painters and other artists, were accustomed to wearing divided glasses for many years prior to the man’s death in 1820. However, it is unknown whether these ‘many years’ predated or postdated Franklin’s use of bifocals. However, the man that created West’s bifocals knew of other artists, particularly Sir Joshua Reynolds, who also used bifocals who would have needed them prior to Franklin’s invention of them in 1784. In addition, it would have been unlikely that Reynolds would have been able to adopt the invention from Franklin as Franklin had been in France at the time and finally, it is be lieved West got his idea for bifocals from Reynolds rather than Franklin. What is known is that all three men knew each other and all three men wore bifocals. (Levene, 1972) What is not know is whom exactly invented eyeglasses we are familiar with now or when. Eyeglasses, or spectacles, in the earliest forms of what might be familiar today, had its beginnings in the thirteenth century. Salvino degli Armati is widely credited as being the inventor of the familiar two-lens apparatus that rests on the bridge of the nose although English Franciscan and intellectual Roger Bacon (1220 -1292), designed a similar version a couple of decades earlier. The discovery that curved glass improved vision led to other innovations such as the telescope and microscope which led to the rise of modern science, greatly advancing the breadth of knowledge and well-being of the human race. Reading glasses themselves represent one of the most significant inventions of human kind as they were developed by a c ollaboration of several talented craftsmen including glassmakers, jewelers and clockmakers along with â€Å"philosophers, monks, mathematicians, physicists, astronomers, and chemists who all played vital roles in developing this instrument† (Rosenthal, 1994, p. 489). The Greeks, Egyptians, Romans and Chinese are all recorded to have experimented with varying types of ocular manipulations using glass. A prominent astronomer and mathematician

Sunday, February 9, 2020

The major factors of business expansion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The major factors of business expansion - Essay Example Total float for the entire project is the sum of all floats of the activities. . Critical path. (American Society for Quality, 2008). Critical path = path A-B-D-E-G-H-L-M-N-O-Q-R Project Time Project time equals adding the durations for the activities in the critical path. = 4 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 6 + 12 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 6 + 1 = 49 days. If the project begins on July 6, 2009, Activity A would take 4 days to end on July 9 2009, activity B starts on 10 July up to July 17 2009, activity D starts on July20 2009 and ends on July 21 2009. Activity E would start on July 22 2009 and end on July 23 2009 while on July 24 2009, activity G runs up to July 31 2009. This would pave the way for activity H that would begin on August 3 2009 and run up to August 18 2009. Activity L starts on August 19 2009 and take 4 days up to August 24 2009. Activity M starts on August 25 2009 up to August 28 2009 and activity N goes on till September 1. Activity O starts on September 2 2009, till September 9 2009 and activity Q ends on September 10 2009. Activity R ends on September 11 2009. A 1 day delay on activity J would not affect the duration of the whole project since activity L can wait for 12 days for activity H to end. Completing activity O one day before schedule would reduce project days by one day. Activity C can not affect the duration for he whole project. A network diagram is a logical approach of representing several activities which indicate the flow or sequence of a certain project. It is used to indicate the path of the project and all its activities and the starting and finishing time for every activity. It also shows the names and events for every operation Case 2: Feasibility Report for...Activity O starts on September 2 2009, till September 9 2009 and activity Q ends on September 10 2009. Activity R ends on September 11 2009. A 1 day delay on activity J would not affect the duration of the whole project since activity L can wait for 12 days for activity H to end. Completing activity O one day before schedule would reduce project days by one day. Activity C can not affect the duration for he whole project. A network diagram is a logical approach of representing several activities which indicate the flow or sequence of a certain project. It is used to indicate the path of the project and all its activities and the starting and finishing time for every activity. It also shows the names and events for every operation I examined the feasibility of establishing a new base for William CO. Ltd for expanding its current base that has a medium sized head office of about 2,600 square meters and employs nine administration staff members in addition to the operational workers who total to 48 in number. The company is an SME company which is involved in supply of mechanical services including heating, air conditioning, ventilation systems and plants.