Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Quality and Mediating Role of Perceived Value - MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Quality and Mediating Role of Perceived Value. Answer: Introduction This paper focuses on preparing a business model canvas for the company named Light.co. This company was launched in the year 2013 (Light.co, 2018). The purpose of this report is to complete the BMC for this company as they work in the mobile digital photography industry. In this report the critical success factors for this company would have to be discussed along with the downside risks. These things would be very much helpful indeed. There are several scopes for further research for this company since it has been a new organization and facing several challenges. The nine building blocks of the BMC would be evaluated for this company as well. It would be helpful to discuss about this company for understanding the issues and its mitigation strategies. Light.co is mobile digital photography company that has been launched in the year 2013. They provide the multi lens cameras for the smartphones (Light.co, 2018). The headquarters of this organization lies at California in United States of America. They serve in a global sphere indeed. They use the latest technology for the best photo capturing experience. They have prepared this in a way that it can be supported in all the mobile devices. The funding that this company had received was from the investor group that included Bessemer Venture Partners, CRV and the executive of Qualcomm (Light.co, 2018). They are focused on improving the technology of their mobile cameras so they can serve their customers better and provide them a unique experience indeed. Their technology driven cameras are seen to be embedded in the mobile devices since 2016. The founder and top manager of this company Light.co is the CEO Dave Grannan and the CTO Rajiv Laroia (Light.co, 2018). The entire team under these two leaders has been working at their best efforts. The HR and finance department of this company has been working very hard to provide the best services for the organization. The engineers who have the responsibility of looking after the technology based issues are providing the best efforts for the company itself. They will be inclined to provide better products to their customers in the coming years to make the mobile digital photography the best experience for the users indeed. They will look to capture the entire market as they want to innovate new technologies for their products as well. Products and services offered by Tribe Light.co offers several services to their customers in the mobile digital photography industry. One of their best products is the L16 that has 16 camera modules (Light.co, 2018). This is one of the best and unique models for the digital mobile photography. The technology they use for this product can be compared with that of the DSLR cameras indeed (Sandbye Larsen, 2013). It would be better to provide the better photo quality in the mobile devices that would be better for the users to have the best experience in capturing the memories. The company has also signed a deal with the smartphone manufacturer company Foxconn that would be helpful for them to include their technology in those smartphones. The users could experience the best optical zoom in those mobiles (Sandbye Larsen, 2013) Key Partner The key partners are the mobile companies and the smartphone manufacturers. They will include the technology and products innovated by Light.co in the smartphones prepared by them. Key Activities The key activities of Light.co will be to improve their technology and provide their users with the best photo capturing experience indeed. They can indulge in the best practices for the promotion of their services through the social media. They have to develop their services continuously indeed (Jhandir, 2012). Value Proposition They can choose to use the online storage for their technology. They can launch some new mobile apps by which the digital photographic experience can be enhanced as well. The shutter speed of cameras should be improved for the optimal capturing of the photos (Jhandir, 2012). Customer Relationships The company should reach the customers personally through the use of the social media. The tech support should also be provided to the customers as well (Goddard et al., 2012). Customer Segments The customer segments should be the young people in particular. If they eye the mass market they will not be able to profit much. The young generation aned the professional photographers should be their target market to whom should they provide their unique digital photography experience (Sandbye Larsen, 2013). The young generation is the main target market of the company between the ages of 18 to 35 years (Armstrong et al., 2015). The software developers can also be their target audience as well. The social media marketers and advertisers are also the target segments of Light.co(Wedel Kamakura, 2012). Key Resources The key resources are the Facebook and Instagram platforms. Their infrastructure for technology would also have to be improved as well. Channels The different key channels are the websites and mobile apps in particular. The different advertisement contents through the advertisements and software development tools. Cost Structure The data center costs- 10% Costs for sales and marketing- 15% Research and development costs- 10% Administration costs- 15% They should use the premium pricing method. Revenue Streams Light.co can afford to provide the different offers to their customers while advertising some big events and big brands (Keller, 2013). They can also tie up with the big companies like Samsung and HTC so they can use the technology of Light.co in their smartphones. Key relationships between the nine building blocks of the business model canvas There is a very important relationship between the nine building blocks of the business model canvas. All these segments are very crucial for the company as well. The cost structure is very important since it would give the company the chances to upgrade their services by providing a mass market. The economic issues can be handled by focusing upon the cost structure and revenue streams in particular (Dudin et al., 2015). The value proposition is also very important for the organization since this would improve the business performance and achieve the competitive advantage for them as well. They should understand the value proposition of the other companies to survive in the tough competition. The channels and target segments should be utilized for the best outcomes as well. The several issues can be solved in various manners as well (Dudin et al., 2015). Critical success factors The different success factors that could help the company for gaining the competitive advantage over their rivals are:- They need to tie up with more popular consumer brands over the social media. Apart from the young generation, they should also try to cater to the needs of different customer segments above the age limit of forty years. Thus they can gain more customers and provide them with the best services as well (Jobber Ellis-Chadwick, 2012). co is projecting the technology in their products that would make them successful for gaining the competitive advantage. The risks of the company can be mitigated if they employ some strategies in this context after they identify all the issues. The copyright problems can arise in many ways indeed. If they break the copyright rules they will be in a deep trouble. Their income can be reduced in many ways as well. If the quality of the pictures is not up to the mark and this cannot satisfy the customers this will surely be problematic for the company (Urbancova, 2013). They have to make it clear that the technology used in preparing the L16 lens is perfect or else any discrepancies in this will jeopardize the business. Recommendations The number of the key channels will have to be increased. The company must provide the best range of technology based experience to the customers for a better experience. The IT staff must be trained for innovating new skills indeed. Conclusion This report can be concluded by saying that this business model canvas would be very much important for the social media marketing organizations like Tribe. The analysis of the different key channels and key partners provide the information that they should diversify their customers segments to stay ahead in the competition. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2015).Marketing: an introduction. 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